
"i will be still whate'er He does"

As Kara and I were walking through the past couple months, it felt sometimes like we were being led blindfolded through thick shrubbery (Monty Python). I found myself at times waking up to the reality of my situation and exclaiming, "So this is what it's like to truly trust God." All at once the scariest thing and most thrilling experience.

I wanted to share with you some lyrics to a hymn entitled "Whate'er my God ordains is right". My father shared it with us one night when he was retelling of a time in his own life that was much like ours.

I don't know what you're dealing with, sweating over, crying over, wrestling with, etc. My prayer is that these words will have the same impact on your heart and faith that they did on mine. Enjoy.

1. Whate'er my God ordains is right,

Holy His will abideth

I will be still whate'er He does,

And follow where He guideth

He is my God, Though dark my road

He holds me that I shall not fall

Wherefore to Him I leave it all

2. Whate'er my God ordains is right,

He never will deceive me

He leads me by the proper path,

I know He will not leave me

I take, content, what He hath sent

His hand can turn my griefs away

And patiently I wait His day

3. Whate'er my God ordains is right,

Though now this cup in drinking

May bitter seem to my faint heart,

I take it all unshrinking

My God is true, each morn anew

Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart

And pain and sorrow shall depart

4. Whate'er my God ordains is right,

Here shall my stand be taken

Though sorrow, need, or death be mine ,

Yet I am not forsaken

My Father's care is round me there

He holds me that I shall not fall

And so to Him I leave it all

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